



Existing programs for early-stage investment in students target a tiny subset of campuses–usually the Ivies, Stanford, and the like. Investors continue to care less for founder pedigree, but student scout networks still only access campuses deemed elite, missing the majority of promising student founders.

Students at campuses in the midwest and south are substantially disadvantaged in access to careers in venture, as well as access to fellowships, student-managed funds, and scout networks, propagating historical biases towards prototypical venture archetypes.

Finally, campus entrepreneurship is a chicken and egg problem. Campuses not deemed "startup campuses" lack the resources (venture investment, campus recruiting, alumni networks) required to become part of the in-group. This leaves talented students and founders disadvantaged relative their peers, not based their merit but rather arbitrary campus designations.


We're building a network of investment partners composed of a diverse set of funds, accelerators, angels, and in-betweens, all making investments in still-in-school student founders. We're a turnkey solution for deal sourcing and basic due diligence, as well as a sounding board for market research targeting gen-z and university students.


What stage companies do you source?

We do'nt seek a specific stage, though the overwhelming majority of companies coming through our funnel are seeking pre-seed or seed funding. Most have not raised institutional money.

What does UndercoverVC cost?

Nothing! Our mission is to create great opportunities for students, and we only ask for reciprocity in serving our fellows and the broader student startup ecosystem.

Does UndercoverVC ask anything in return?

  • Lend us the wisdom of a partner or portfolio entrepreneur-in-residence for the occasional Zoom Talk, AMA, or other programs we put on for our community.
  • When applicable, connect with us for intros to relevant startups in our network who seek investment that may be of interest to you or your firm.
  • Let us reference your firm as one of our venture capital partners on our website.
  • Help us make connections with entrepreneurs, investors, and influencers that can help us fulfill our mission of building equity in student venture capital.

Do I have to work with UndercoverVC exclusively?

No! Our goal is to create awesome opportunities for student founders and aspiring investors. We're not the only player in the student venture space, and we believe all is better when we all work together.

What can UndercoverVC do past deal sourcing?

We can also serve as a sounding board for market research and feedback on products targeting Gen Z. Let us know how we can help, and we'll leverage our fellows and broader student network to help you make better investments and your portfolio companies build better products.

Further, we are happy to help source candidates for summer internships or full-time roles. Reach out to us with the appropriate qualifications and application information, and we will get it to the relevant channels in our community.

If you have additional questions, please email


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